"Stormblaster" lobby for Interlude client 31-10-2021, 02:41 31-10-2021, 02:41 Login Screens aka Lobbys deMEV 1 004
"Duel" - lobby for Interlude client 31-10-2021, 01:33 31-10-2021, 01:33 Login Screens aka Lobbys deMEV 915
Ketra Orc Outpost from Classic for all Lineage 2 clients [updated] 28-10-2021, 17:22 28-10-2021, 17:22 Free shared maps and maps for sale deMEV 953
Astatine + Mini TOI + Fortress + Area for all lineage 2 clients 27-10-2021, 22:59 27-10-2021, 22:59 Free shared maps and maps for sale deMEV 1 331 Update 1.0: Fixed ambient sounds on map Update 2.0: Added HF version of map Update 3.0: New map with new Mini TOI Arena (HF client only)
Oman Dungeon for High Five client 27-10-2021, 20:55 27-10-2021, 20:55 Free shared maps and maps for sale deMEV 905
Lineage 2 Fafurion/Classic/Prelude of War/Death Knight/Essence/Kamael/Homunculus/Sylph/Frost Lord/RE:MEMBER/Vanguard Geodata [Protocol 362] 27-10-2021, 06:53 27-10-2021, 06:53 GEODATA deMEV 1 200 If you want to purchase Lineage 2 geodata pm me in skype: demev.ukraine
"Rider" (ver.2) lobby for Interlude client 27-10-2021, 06:18 27-10-2021, 06:18 Login Screens aka Lobbys deMEV 927
"Baium" lobby for Interlude client 27-10-2021, 05:43 27-10-2021, 05:43 Login Screens aka Lobbys deMEV 1 377
Lineage 2 Classic Windmill login screen for HB-GA-HF clients [update 1.0] 23-10-2021, 01:07 23-10-2021, 01:07 Login Screens aka Lobbys deMEV 1 050
Aden City and Castle from Classic/Essence/Sylph for Interlude client 22-10-2021, 23:01 22-10-2021, 23:01 Free shared maps and maps for sale deMEV 975