Seed of Destruction for C4-Interlude [update 2.0] 28-07-2022, 23:10 28-07-2022, 23:10 Free shared maps and maps for sale deMEV 565
Lineage 2 Fafurion/Classic/Prelude of War/Death Knight/Essence/Kamael/Homunculus/Sylph/Frost Lord/Castle of Ice/RE:MEMBER/Vanguard Geodata [Protocol 390] 27-07-2022, 13:45 27-07-2022, 13:45 GEODATA deMEV 538 If you want to purchase Lineage 2 geodata pm me in skype: demev.ukraine
Abandoned Camp, Fellmere Lake, Ruined Bend, Windmill Hill, Camp Fortress from MAIN for all L2 clients 25-07-2022, 00:15 25-07-2022, 00:15 Free shared maps and maps for sale deMEV 574
Orc Barracks, Fellmere Harvesting Grounds from Classic for all L2 clients 24-07-2022, 23:26 24-07-2022, 23:26 Free shared maps and maps for sale deMEV 534
Gludin Castle for all Lineage 2 clients 23-07-2022, 17:18 23-07-2022, 17:18 Free shared maps and maps for sale deMEV 670
Misty Mountains, Garden of Spirits, Blackbird Campsite for all L2 clients [update 1.0] 3-07-2022, 22:40 3-07-2022, 22:40 Free shared maps and maps for sale deMEV 627
Atelia Fortress, Atelia Refinery for all L2 clients [update 1.0] 3-07-2022, 22:39 3-07-2022, 22:39 Free shared maps and maps for sale deMEV 583
Dwarven Village from Main for all L2 clients 3-07-2022, 15:01 3-07-2022, 15:01 Free shared maps and maps for sale deMEV 528